Is it all a mess? Yes, I agree!
But no woman could ever, ever mess things up this bad, this much, this long folks!
I myself do believe that since Patriarchal, Spiritual-Dualistic, Monotheistic Mythologies were turned into mainstream world religions, they have ruined everything to everybody!
Their worst teachings have tortured this Species for too long! The hatred for all Differences, the fear of and hatred for Women, to the point of making Women second-class citizens, sub/lesser individuals, the very same to LGBTQ+ people...
And to make it all stick, they have always employed that "men-made" old holy bullshit of "God said so"! Primitive rubbish, pure bullshit which should've been long gone and overcome and disposed of.
But it is not all that easy and simple!
It took a long time to get us to this here and now!
World-wide, in most countries, and that also includes UK, France, Australia, Brazil and the US, the largest part of the population go from cradle to grave without ever mastering their very own natal Language.
Many graduate from schools, from high schools, and many graduate even from colleges, universities...
But if you ask one of them to read you something and then to tell it back to you with their own words, they can't!
They have no interpretation skills, they have not mastered their own Language.
In this life, in this world, everything that matters, it depends upon Communication amongst people. How can we evolve, how can we learn and move on when we cannot properly understand the message!
That's why many vote for political buffoons, many make many bad choices devoid of intelligence, wisdom and common sense!
Well informed, cultured, Critical Thinking is rare.
Education cannot help these ( young souls ) if they do not care to master their Language!
No wonder we have had such a mess in the world and nobody knows how to fix it.
I say - Master your Language first! Then seek good Education afterwards, when you are well-equipped to understand and keep the intelligence and wisdom which Academia can share with you.
Philosophy, Psychology, etc, they can offer us so many Keys to our individual and collective Evolution!
But then again, before all of that, we must assess the "Belief and Language" which lead our lives and its associated "Values and Ways of Conduct".
Then to create our own.
Something with more humanity towards us and others, something in harmony with our own individual Nature, something which includes the foundation of all meaningful Freedom, that it is, the Mutual Respect for/of all Differences! Something which places us as One Species, as Equals, whether Women, men, Trans, LGBTQ+, Non-Binaries, etc, no matter who you are, One Species and it is One Earth.
We've invented ourselves all the Divisions, we must remind ourselves that our words, our inventions, creations, they all should serve us and not us serving our own words, inventions, creations!
We're still quite primitive as a Species, because given the proper stimulus, we can be BRUTAL, folks!
So the answer to all of our Problems is EVOLUTION.
It does come to us all, whether sooner or later!
Thank you for sharing!
28th Aug 2022
SKY a.k.a. Padilla of Ashtoreth a.k.a. JD Aeon