Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon
4 min readApr 15, 2022



I was born of the Third gender Trans a.k.a. Transgender and also equally born a “Natural” Non-Op at that.

There was never any need, nor any desire to become a “Post-Op Trans-Woman in me, in my life!

My natural Feeling & Expression of my Non-Op MTF Trans-Woman / Trans-Female / Trans-Feminine Side & belonging Part/Portion of my Nature, it has always been “Part-time”.

Why? How?

Most likely because I was born of the natural Sexual Preference Pansexual a.k.a. Bisexual, whose Nature, Feeling and Expression have always been filtered by the natural presentation of my gender as a Trans, that it is, at times strongly Male, at times strongly Female.

The fact about Myself is that I had discovered that the Expression of my Gender and of my Sexual Preference, they were fluid and they reacted to the “What, How, Who” certain people appealed to my fancy, to my heart and mind.

Therefore, my Output of natural expression and feeling, they always depended from the actual Input, which certain people were able to effect, to cause in me by their Nature, their physical Appearance, their Presentation, their Voice, Mannerisms and in short, their Natural Expression of Themselves, something special that I would detect, feel from that which would touch me deep from inside out.

It is amidst this natural and at once complex dynamics that I came to the conclusion that I am indeed a Trans / Non-Binary / Pansexual Human Being and Au-Natural capable of

expressing myself very well at different levels of gender expression, at different levels of sexual Preferences and also at different levels of sexual Modes such as top and bottom!

Inclusive of being able & capable of being, feeling and expressing myself as 100% Top for Women and 100% Bottom for Men.

There was never any need, nor any desire to attempt to become a Full Time 100% Binary / Hetero-Sexual Man in myself, in my life!

My way to convey my personal reality is to compare it to the experience and full perception, awareness of a person who undertakes real and true Past-Lives Regressions, who experiences portions of Past Lifetimes, of other Incarnations!

It all comes down to a Person who experiences real Memories of true Experiences of their Past Incarnations, of Past Lifetimes, by “Remembering” and but especially “Re-living” / Re-experiencing some meaningful portions of those Past Lives, Past Times and Moments of those Past Incarnations.

And as such, that person during this Present Lifetime, during this Present Incarnation, has indeed Re-lived, Re-experienced via Past-Lives Regressions / Past Incarnations, the full Experience of “Being A Woman To/With A Man and equally Being A Man To/With A Woman!
And by the way, yes, I did both!

In fact, there is no way, to Un-Ring That Mighty Bell, or to put the proverbial Jack back into the Box at all, folks!

Reactions-wise, I do know, many people can’t handle that and in short, they are not ready for all of that information and that is O.K.

I kick the proverbial ball forward in the fields of life, and try to be a good sport and also try to make the best of it.
And doing that chiefly by enjoying Who I Am, How I Feel and “Can Feel”, and All the Possibilities, all the Potentialities thereof.
I also like to surround my everyday life, my myself with natural and good people whose evolutionary Perceptions, Awareness allow Them to appreciate My Blessings and to appreciate I Me Myself as I am, as I feel and as I equally respect and appreciate them back too!

To each, their own!

And folks, this is not all about Justifications & Explanations. And it is not about the horrible Extremes of Right and Wrong, Good and Bad and other qualifications and adjectives of Belief and Language.

It is all about somewhere in the middle and about feeling pleased and content, somehow peaceful and outside of the extremes of Anything, or of Anybody.

The confines of Definitions, they all are an illusion in a world, in a existence where all, everything and “We-All” are made of Changes.

So if you ask me, I am quite pleased with my natural “Non-Binary-Ness”!

Yes, quite pleased with the dear “What, How and Who” I am and I feel.

Be well and prosper!


Sky also known as Padilla of Ashtoreth a.k.a. JD Aeon or simply as JD



Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon

LGBTQ PAGAN, Wiccan & Quimbanda Non-Binary Pansexual MTF Non-Op Trans High Priestess (Yalorixá Yayá) OUT 2004 Sorcière Shaman Artist Occultist Astrologer Etc